Sunday, March 27, 2011

Database Project

Prior to working on this project I have never heard of Microsoft Access.  Everything was a learning experience for me.  I was so clueless that i did not know how to create a blank datasheet.  First of all, I learned how to import data through Access.  Also I have learned a number of functions in Microsoft Access such as how to edit a search criteria and make a certain field "read only".  Finally how to create and edit a query, form, and report.  I learned how to use the various types of different views. 

There are a few ways to make the functionality of the database better.  First of having a recently left query, why do not we just have a "left query" for no longer members.  I do not find any reason why we would want to have a query on recent customers that left.  Another adjustment I would is on the new members form, I add a new field "referred by," and give members who refer X amount of  members some type reward. 

Tutorial Blog 3: Different type of internet connections

We live in a very fast pace environment now a days in which we depend more and more on technology.  It has come to the point where virtually anything  from going to classes, paying bills, watching movies, and even keeping in touch with family and friends can be done online.  In my blog I am going to explain the different types of home (there are other types of business connections such as T1 & T3 but those are usually for businesses so I will not be discussing them) internet connections, and  their pros and cons to see which one can benefit you the most. 

1. Analog
In an Analog connection (AKA Dial up) the computer is connected to a modem that dials a phone number which is provided by your ISP (Internet service provider) in order to access the internet.  It is called an analog connection because you access the internet over a dial up signal.

Pros: Very Cheap, Can be used by multiple computers

Cons: SLOW (56k connection), pretty much obsolete in today's age, ties up the phone line, and internet can drop frequently.

Diagram on how an analog connection works

2. Digital Subscriber Line
Digital subscriber line aka DSL is the leading alternative to a analog connection.  Like an analog connection DSL uses a telephone line (2 wire copper telephone line) to connect to the internet but you do not have to use a modem to connect because it is always on and it does not tie up the phone line. 

Pros:  Always on, faster than analog, and does not tie up phone line
Cons: DSL connections work better when you are closer to your server provider.  If you live far away from your server provider you will not be getting what you pay for in terms of internet speed.  Also, you get a decent download rate, but your upload rate lacks severely.  Finally, DSL is not offered everywhere. They are only offered by your location if you live in the country. It is likely to say that DSL will not be provided to you.

Diagram on how DSL works

3. Cable
Accessing the internet through a broadband connection can be done by use of a cable modem.Cable internet connection is a step above a DSL connection.  Like DSL, it is always on but instead of using a telephone line to connect to the interent it uses a TV line.  Cable Internet works by using TV channel space for data transmission with certain channels used for downstream transmission, and other channels for upstream transmission.  The way it works is that you will use a co axle cable to connect the cable modem to the cable input in your wall.  You can either connect your desktop to the cable modem or buy a router to enable wireless internet that will allow you to connect multiple devices to the internet connection.  I personally use a cable connection and I love it.

Pros:  Faster than DSL and Dialup, Does not tie up the phone line, Support heavy data movement such as streaming movies or online gaming, and it is always on.

Cons: Slow connection through online peak hours, initial connection fees can be high, like DSL cable is not available in all areas

Diagram on how Cable connection works

4. Wireless Internet
Wireless internet is one of the newest internet connections that have been introduced to the market.  Instead of using a telephone line or TV line to connect to the internet, wireless connections connect through radio frequency band.  This is still fairly new technology and difficult to find a provider for it.

Pros:  Completely wireless, always on, does not tie up the phone line, can be used by multiple devices
Cons: Hard to find a service provider, new technology, and expensive

(no diagram for this type of connection)

I hope my blog helped you in your process in choosing which type of internet connection to choose.


(Picture made in paint by Dario Gonzalez, excluding cable connection which is found on

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Web 2.0 Project

Self Critique

I felt the presentation was consistent with the theme. It began by indicating there is a organization that was not an earthquake relief program, which is what usually comes to mind when one thinks of donating money to Haiti. The description was sequential in that sense that I spoke about HCS, its beginning and what they do to help communities in distress.
I believe that I made valid claims and answered most if not all question before the audience had the ability to ask.  I started the presentation with a question to grab the audiences attention.  I believed that I avoided clutter by only showing simple text and by displaying one if not two pictures most per slide.   My only downfall is that I had a few slip ups while narrating the slides by stuttering.

What I Learned

First of all I have become an expert on the non profit organization of HCS.  Also I have learned many new web 2.0 features, prior to this project i have never made a video.  I had to find a screen capture program, manipulate the settings to perfection, and finally upload it on youtube.  In fact I spent a lot of my time trying to figure out how to operate the screen capture program (CamStudio).  Overall I believe the project was a great learning experiance, and it has motivated me to make my own personal tutorial videos and upload them on youtube.