Sunday, March 27, 2011

Database Project

Prior to working on this project I have never heard of Microsoft Access.  Everything was a learning experience for me.  I was so clueless that i did not know how to create a blank datasheet.  First of all, I learned how to import data through Access.  Also I have learned a number of functions in Microsoft Access such as how to edit a search criteria and make a certain field "read only".  Finally how to create and edit a query, form, and report.  I learned how to use the various types of different views. 

There are a few ways to make the functionality of the database better.  First of having a recently left query, why do not we just have a "left query" for no longer members.  I do not find any reason why we would want to have a query on recent customers that left.  Another adjustment I would is on the new members form, I add a new field "referred by," and give members who refer X amount of  members some type reward. 

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